Cover photo of Westminster, Vermont 1735-2000 Town History

Please note: Online ordering for books is coming soon, like early March 2025. Learning curve thing.

Westminster Vermont 1735-2000 Township Number One, by Jessie Haas (Charleston SC: History Press, 2012)

Revolutionary Westminster from Massacre to Statehood, by Jessie Haas (Charleston SC:  History Press, 2011).

“Headstones and Epitaphs in Westminster, Vermont” compiled by Bertha Miller Collins, edited by Alice Caggiano. Transcriptions of gravestones in the old cemeteries in Westminster, Vermont, published 1990, paper, spiral bound, 131 pp., alphabetical in individual cemeteries, no index.
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“Old Cemeteries of Westminster, Windham Co., Vermont,” compiled by Rachel V. Duffalo (2010), 139 double sided pages, index, maps

“Monuments & Headstones in the New Cemetery, East Parish, Westminster, Vt., as of November 10,1999,” compiled by Charles Byron Wright, 138 double sided pages, index, maps, list of lot owners.

“Around Bellows Falls – Rockingham, Westminster and Saxtons River,” part of the “Images of America” Series, published by Arcadia Publishing in 2002, 128 pp.  Includes 30 pages of e ar ly photos from Westminster, Westminster West and Gageville.  The pictures are from the collections of the Westminster Historical Society, Bob & Pat Haas and Richard Michelman.  The originals are photos and postcards.

Fanny Grout’s Journal, Westminster, Vermont 1855-1856 (Westminster Historical Society, Inc., P.O. Box 2, Westminster, VT 05158), published 2010.

“History of Westminster,” revised edition, by M. Elizabeth Simonds, published 1983, hardcover, 242 pp., no index.

“Vignettes of Westminster” written by Frank Miller and Bertha Miller Collins, compiled and edited by Rachel V. Duffalo, a collection of historical and personal recollections from Westminster, Vermont, published 1993, paper, spiral bound, 97 pp., index

“Long, Long Ago”, by Gretta Wood, a personal recollection of life in rural Westminster in the early 20th century, published 1987, paper, 17 pp., no index.

“A History of the First Congregational Church in Westminster, Vermont” by Phyllis Norman. A history of the first church in Westminster from 1767 – 1993, published December 1993 by t he First Congregational Church, Westminster, Vermont, paper, 81 pp., no index.

Set of “Abenaque Machine Works History,” by Patricia Haas and Alice Caggiano, a history of a gas engine manufactory in operation between 1894 and 1921 in Westminster, Vermont, published 1985, paper, 80 pp., no index, plus two reproduced Abenaque Machine Works Catalogs.

Ordering Information

Online ordering coming early March 2025

Postage for each book: $6.00

Make checks payable to: “Westminster Historical Society” and mail to:

Westminster Historical Society
P.O. Box 2
Westminster, VT 05158-0002

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